Wolf Tower- Lizardbreath's Review
This book is about a girl named Claidi who is a servant for this snobby, bratty girl. They live in a palace/house kind of thing in the middle of a HUGE desert called the Waste. The people who live in this house think the Waste is a horrible place, where no one can survive and anyone who does something REALLY bad gets sentenced to banishment in the Waste. This is what happened to Claidi's parents when she was little and she's been a servant ever since she was very little. One day, a mysterious guy arrives from the Waste in a hot-air balloon. He's really good looking and Claidi starts to really like him. The guards however think he is dangerous and lock im up. Soon after, Claidi is summoned by one of the oldest and most respected people in the House and is told she has to help the stranger escape. If I told you any more, I would give away some of the suprises in the book, so I'll stop here. Click here for a link to another review of this book, which gives away a little more than I do, but not enough to ruin the story, don't worry;)