Do you think that evil is the way to go? Then Slytherin is DEFINITELY the house for you! But, what if the other people are WAY more eviler then you are? I mean, you don't have THAT much practice being evil. Hmmmm, well, here's some good hints that will help you on your way...
If a giant troll was walking(actually, more like stumbling) towards you, you might scream something like "run a-WAAAAAAAAAAAAy!", and then let some other person fight the troll for you, then tell everyone afterwards that YOU stopped the stupid beast, OR you could cheer the troll on, whispering encouragements in his ear as he swings blindly at the hero who's trying to stop him. THEN you would take all the credit for stopping the troll. Either way, you try and be as BAAAAAAD as you can be.
If you found out that some evil doings(don't ask me what though) were going on in your school, you would probably cackle hysterically for a few minutes, taunt the good guy for a few more minutes, then find out who was behind the evil doings to see if you can get in on it.
If a black-hooded ghost-like thing in the woods(how else am I supposed to describe that thingie?) looked as though it was about to attack you, which I'm not sure is entirely possible considering a black hood was covering his face, you would probably do what most people would do in that situation, cry hysterically. You would also probably jump on anyone close enough for you to jump on, then tell them to run away, or jump off of them and run away. If you were feeling particularly evil, you might also push the person you had jumped onto closer to the black-hooded thingie.
If Hagrid tried to make you take some of his rock cakes home with you for you to eat when you get hungry, you would probably laugh in his face. When he asked you why you were laughing, you would tell him something along the lines of 'Who wants to eat something that tastes like crap and makes your jaws stick together for a few hours? Probably only a fool! And who would even WANT to make them? Obviously a fool as well!' which is MOSTLY true, except for the fool part, but it would be SO mean to tell Hagrid that to his face that only a truly evil person would do it.
If your house(that being Slytherin, obviously) was having a very VERY big match of quidditch, and you discovered that the opposing team was cheating to help them win, you would most likely find out how the other team was cheating, then find some way to cheat better then them, saying things to your team mates like, 'No one cheats better than we do! And we're gonna prove it!'. Then you would probably do the stupid thing of bragging to the opposing team, just because you could.
Should you stumble upon an invisibility cloak that once belonged to your dead father, or mother, or grandfather, or brother, etc., you would put it on in the dark of night, (unless you feel the urge to try it out during the day) and explore the castle, looking for trouble. You would probably set Peeves on Filtch, or something along those lines. As long as you were causing mischif.
Say your assumed-to-be-killer godfather shows up in the middle of the night, you not knowing that he was your godfather and thinking that he was the one to kill you parents, you would most likely scream at the top of your lungs for a while, then brag to all of your freinds later about how you told him to leave and if he didn't he would get it bad, which, of coure, would be a lie.
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