Think Hufflepuff is for you? Are you sure? It's really tough being a cry alot...and you cower...and usually hide from things that scare you, which is alot. *Cough Cough* Ok ok i'll admit it. I'm a little housist. Hufflepuff is not exactly one of my personal favorites, but if you like it, well that's your choice. Whatever floats your boat. Newaiz, you have to know what to do in these situations...
If a giant troll was walking(actually, more like stumbling) towards you, you would most definitely not try and do something heroic that might in any way put you in danger. You would probably scream something like "run a-WAAAAAAAAAAAAy!", or "NOOOO!! It's going to eat me!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" or something like that. You would also run as far away as you possibly could, then hide somewhere that you would hope is safe and cry until someone finds you there.
If you found out that some evil doings(don't ask me what though) were going on in your school, you would find a very safe place to hide for when it happened, hope that no one you knew would get hurt and cry like there's no tomorrow. You would probably be too scared of the evil people to tell anyone about it, though.
If a black-hooded ghost-like thing in the woods(how else am I supposed to describe that thingie?) looked as though it was about to attack you, which I'm not sure is entirely possible considering a black hood was covering his face, you would probably do what most people would do in that situation, cry hysterically(are you seeing a pattern yet?), or run as fast as your little legs will carry you out of there, assuming that your legs were little. You would also most likely not be able to tell anyone about your experience until WAY after it happened, as you would be too scared.
If Hagrid tried to make you take some of his rock cakes home with you for you to eat when you get hungry, you would probably eat those cakes because you were afraid that Hagrid would inflict some bodily harm on you if you didn't, then, once you could open your jaws again, and you were as far away from Hagrid's hut as you possibly could be, you would cry because of the pain in your jaws.
If your house(that being Hufflepuff, obviously) was having a very VERY big match of quidditch, and you discovered that the opposing team was cheating to help them win, you would most likely shrug and say things like "Oh well, at least we tried" and "We wouldn't have won to them anyways". You would not tell a teacher or someone of authority about it though, as the opposing team would probably do something to get you back, and you couldn't POSSIBLY risk that.
Should you stumble upon an invisibility cloak that once belonged to your dead father, or mother, or grandfather, or brother, etc., you would put it away in a safe place and wonder what you could have done with it if you weren't too afraid to use it('What if someone catches me?' or 'What if I can't find my way back to the dorm in the middle of the night? It would be very dark!').
Say your assumed-to-be-killer godfather shows up in the middle of the night, you not knowing that he was your godfather and thinking that he was the one to kill you parents, you would most likely sceam until your lungs hurt, cry and cry and cry, then maybe whimper for awhile, and then you would finish it off with staring very wide-eyed at the ceiling for countless hours until the picture of the scray man works it's way out of your mind.