wanna know whether you are a true Gryffindor, eh? Well, if you are going to be a Gryffindor, there's a few qualities that you MUST have. Firstly, you should probably be sane, but I'm not quite sure if that really matters(which is probably good news for me)*ahem*. Newaiz, here's some things you should probably know...
If a giant troll was walking(actually, more like stumbling) towards you, you would most definitely not scream something like "run a-WAAAAAAAAAAAAy!", you probably try and prevent the stupid beast from hurting anyone, even the bad guy(we all know that there's ALWAYS a bad guy), while putting yourself in danger, without meaning to.
If you found out that some evil doings(don't ask me what though) were going on in your school, you would find out who was behind them(them being the evil doings), then try your best to stop whatever was going on, considering that was possible.
If a black-hooded ghost-like thing in the woods(how else am I supposed to describe that thingie?) looked as though it was about to attack you, which I'm not sure is entirely possible considering a black hood was covering his face, you would probably do what most people would do in that situation, other than crying hystericly. You would stare at the thing, wondering to yourself 'Hmmmm, I wonder what that could be? It does look pretty nasty though doesn't it? I hope someone comes soon to rescue me from it.' Or something along the lines of that.
If Hagrid tried to make you take some of his rock cakes home with you for you to eat when you get hungry, you would do the kind thing. You would probably take them home with you, thanking him all the way out the door, then as soon as you got back to wherever it was you were staying at the time, you would hide them away, or feed them to your dog or something like that, then tell Hagrid the next day how good his cakes were.
If your house(that being Gryffindor, obviously) was having a very VERY big match of quidditch, and you discovered that the opposing team was cheating to help them win, you would most likely try and find a way to sabotage their cheating so that it wouldn't affect the game in any way, or maybe even backfire on the cheating team. You would never EVER cheat back though. Cheating is a quality that most Gryffindors will NEVER posess.
Should you stumble upon an invisibility cloak that once belonged to your dead father, or mother, or grandfather, or brother, etc., you would put it on in the dark of night, (unless you feel the urge to try it out during the day) and do some harmless exploring, just to try it out and to see what it does.
Say your assumed-to-be-killer godfather shows up in the middle of the night, you not knowing that he was your godfather and thinking that he was the one to kill you parents, you would most likely run after him try and stop him to get some answers, very unlike most people in that situation, who would probably scream bloody murder at the top of their lungs and get scared out of their wits just by looking at his ill-shaven face. *ahem*
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