Wed,Sept.25- I know I didn't update on time, but I had a very good reason. Yester day was my BIRTHDAY!!! YAY!!!! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!!! I'm finally as old as my friend:) Anyways, I've added an incredibly special new poll, which everyone should VOTE in. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! If you don't vote in the poll, I will get very angry, and I also might cry, and we don't want that now, do we? Soooo...VOTE!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Sun,Sept.22- Heylo:) I've added a new profile to the 'Profiles' page. Aren't you all so excited??? The profile is...DA DA DA DA DUM......FRED AND GEORGE WEASLEY!!!!! YAY!!!!!! Isn't that special??? You should go look at it. GO NOW, RIGHT NOW!!! **Whoa, sorry, gettin' a little angeery there;) I don't actually have that much to say other than that....Aren't you happy I updated on time this time? I know, I know, I'm incredibly special....tee hee hee. See ya! Lizardbreath
Thurs,Sept.19- Happy Birthday to Hermione!!!! It's Sept.19, ain't that special?? I haven't updated, but I was really busy last night.... I don't really have much to say, but I wanted to let you know I'm still here;) This message is gonna look REALLY small, oh well, stuff happens. Tee hee.....See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,Sept.16- AARRGGHHH! I know, I know, I should have updated QUITE awhile ago.....Oh well, uuummmmm, I've updated the Book Summaries pages, because I forgot to put the thingy at the top, tee hee;) I also updated the Profiles pages, and added Back to Profiles Page button thingies. I also changed the About Site page. We've hit 80 pages!!!!! YAY!!!! That's 80 whole pages of goodness. Aren't you happy:) That's about all I have to say...See ya! Lizardbreath
Wed,Sept.11- I don't really have that much to say today......uuummmmmm.....Anyways, I've updated the 'Obsessed' page thanks to the e-mail from Animagus Girl, who gave us two new ways see if you're obsessed with HP. Check them out, they're funny.....tee hee..... I don't really have that much else to say....I've been very busy with my STUPID, FICKIN' HOMEWORK!!!!! Whoa, I'm getting a little angry...tee hee. Anyhoo, that's pretty much all I have to say;) See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,Sept.9- Ugh, it's Monday...yuck, yuck, yuck:( Anyhoo, I've updated the 'Profiles' section and changed all the font sizes. I've also added a new profile, which is **DA DA DA DA DUM** SIRIUS BLACK!!!!!! YAY!!!!! You should go and read it. Go now, GO, GO, GO!!!! You should also sign the guestbook, or vote in the poll. Whoa, dude, did I forget to tell you we have a new poll? Geez, I'm slow. Well, you should go vote in the NEW poll;) See ya! Lizardbreath
Sat,Sept.7- YAY!!! It's our first weekend of the school year...and I have homework....ugh.....Oh well, I just wanted to let everyone know, I've added a new top site list to our links page. In case you don't know, the top site lists are all those buttons at the bottom of the links page. When you click on them, you're voting for our site on the list, and moves up in the rankings. Ain't that special????;) So you KNOW now you HAVE to go click on some. Well, that's pretty much it for me...See ya! Lizardbreath
Thurs,Sept.5- Ugh, we've been back at school for three days, and I already want it to be summer again. How many days is that...hhhmmm.......Anyhoo, I've FINALLY finished the Book Summaries page, so you can read summaries for all the HP books, ain't that special?;) I've also added an incredibly awesome new poll, so you should VOTE!!!! VOTE!!!! VOTE!!!! **Ahem** Yeah, so, that's about it for me, except I don't want this update to look puny...tee hee, puny's a funny word...PUNY!!! HA HA HA!!!! Whoa, I think I should stop now;) See ya! Lizardbreath
Tues,Sept.3- AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! Today was the first day of school **sigh,sigh**. I wish it was still summer. Anyhoo, I've added Harry Potter and the Prisoner fo Azkaban to the Book Summaries page, so you can check that out, YAY!!!!!!!!! I'll add Goblet of Fire really soon. I've also updated a bunch of pages, including the Characters page, the Reader's Choice page, and ALL of the Houses pages:) That's about it for me......See ya! Lizardbreath
Sun,Sept.1- Heylo! Happy September everyone! I thought it would be fun to get the first word of the month....and it's been strangely satifactory :) Im heart broken....and very busy, as we DO have to go back to school in.....oh GOD 2 days!!! *sigh* I'll start the new game as soon as things quiet down.....and I'm hoping they will EVENTUALLY. Hmmmm, ya, all I really have to say to you is VOTE IN THE POLL! SIGN THE QUESTBOOK!! DO SOMETHING!!!...whoa, sorry, that just snuck in there..... Hmmm....ya, thats all I gots for ya! Chow! Pepper