Book 5 Rumors
I don't think this is a rumor anymore I think it has been confirmed *hhhhhhmmmmm* anyhooo, the fifth book should be released sometime in 2002 (it's so long to wait, *sniff,sniff*)
Remember how in the fouth book Fleur said she wanted to get a job at Hogwarts to improve her English? Well she has supposedly succeeded and gotten a job at Hogwarts!
Hermione will be made a prefect(big suprise eh?)
The title of the book may be Harry Potter and the Green Flame Torch 0_0 OOOOOOOOO mysterious 0_0
Is there a lllllooooooooovvvveeeeeee connection between Ron and Hermione???? OOOOOO rumor has it there is. What about Krum though? Could it be a love triangle OOOOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!
I don't know about you buuut I think Arabella Figg and Mrs. Figg are the same person.
Book 5 is rumored to be not as long as Book 4 *hhhhmmmm* that's not necissarily a good thing I mean 636 pages of pure Harry Potter is a very good thing.
Apparently(I bet I spelled that wrong) we will learn more about Lily Potter in Book 5(don't quote me on this though...I'm not entirely sure...)
Contrary(that is a really fun word to say!) to one of my previous rumors....I know, I know it would be incredibly weird if I was wrong....the title of Book 5 may in fact be Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Mysterious no?
In the next book we may actually see for the first time ever, a female, that's right female, Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor!!! Oh yeah! Oh yeah!!! Vvvveerrryyy cool!!!!
My favourite guy, the greatest, the best, the coolest Defense Against The Dark Arts Professor may return!!! Oh yeah, you guessed it Prof. Lupin may return!!!!
Rumor has it the 'Order of the Phoenix' could be an organization fighting Voldemort! Yay!!!
You know in Book 4 Hagrid and Madame Maxime went off on a special 'errand' for Dumbledore? Well, many people think that they went to make ties with the giants! Pretty likely, I think:)
A special fan of Harry's will die in the next book. Guesses include Dobby, Ginny, and the Creevy brothers. So sad....*sniff, sniff*
Ginny will play a major role in the next book. Unfourtunately many people think this means she will be the fan of Harry's who dies. :( I like Ginny:(
Ron may very well be on the quidditch team in the next book. Cool but we don't know how good he is at quidditch.........
Moody,*COUGH,COUGH*WEIRDO*COUGH,COUGH*, will return in the next book! Hopefully it'll be the real one this time....
The quidditch captain in the next book will be someone we never thought of! That means it probably isn't Harry though, because everyone expects him to be captain. So sad:(.....
J.K. Rowling says we will learn if Percy will go along with his family, or with Fudge!!!!!! Uh-oh......
Somewhat against one of our other rumours, it is said that the 5th book is to be released late 2002/early 2003. So looooong.....
Stagger2k1 says 'I think Dudley is really a wizard. The reason I think this is because one of
his grand parents was a wizard, and muggle born wizards usually come from
there grandparents. Plus I heard that were going to find out something about
the Dursleys that no one expected.'
LouATN says 'I heard a rumour that, maybe not quite in the next book but over the next
few, we find out Harry is in fact the heir to Godric Gryffindor! This does
actually make sense because when Harry's parents died, they lived on
"Godric's Hollow" (or something) and why else was Vordemort so keen on
killing just baby Harry and his father and not his mother? Plus he sumoned
Godric's dagger easily from the sorting hat! Arrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhh I hear you
all cry! *proud grin*'
dnikles says 'I think that wormtail will die in the next book because he'll try to
save Harry's life.'
~Leeann~ says 'I think that Malfoys dad will die(waaaahhhh)'
NaddanAnGel says 'Rumor is that Harry and You Know Who will die at the end of the 7th book
I don't beleive it but it could happen!!!'
Itswhits says 'Ok, this is my theory (however it's spelled). I think that Fleur D. will become the next 'defence against the dark arts' teacher, cuz it's said that she'll become a teacher at Hogwarts and that it'll be a female teaching that position. This means, that she could very well be the person who dies, cuz something always happens to the people who teach that subject, and I read somewhere that a main character will die. Although, I do hope I'm wrong, cuz I like Fleur :('
Roo71 says 'I heard that Hermione has a belly button ring.
I don't know if this is true but i heard it somewhere.
Itswhits says 'Okay, I have another theory. It could be Snape who dies, cuz in the 4th book, he doesn't come when Voldemort called him.( so sad.''snif, snif. I hope I'm wrong)'
Itswhits says 'I have another thing to write about Snape. Maybe not in the 5th book, but in one of the books, Snape will fall in lllloooovvvvveeeee! ( odd )'
Itswhits says 'I think it's in the 5th book but I'm not shure. Harry will go mad or insane or whatever you call it. But don't worry, he recovers.'
Itswhits says '2 more for ya, I think Hagrid'll die while making peace with the giants. I also think that Dumbledore will die.'
Do YOU have a HOT rumor, you want to share with the world? E-mail us your rumor here.