Quiz Page

Here are a bunch of quizzes that Pepper finds amusing and we decided to put here. By the way, we do NOT claim to have made any of these quizzes, they're not ours:) These are Pepper's results (except the Empire Records quiz, which is mine -LB), in case you're wondering, and to take the quiz yourself, just click on the picture.

How Gay Are YOU?

You are 10% evil! [?]
That's right! You're the meekest of the meek! You're the least amount evil! The philosophy in ying and yang is that no one person can be completely good or completely evil, but you're pretty close to complete, goodie-two-shoes!

Which Kiss are You?
Which Kiss Are You?

I'm Blue! Click to see what color you are!


The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz
The Completely Pointless Personality Quiz

Which Muppet Are You??
Which Muppet Are You?

Find your emotion!

Who are YOU most like?

discover what candy you are @ stvlive.com

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!

Are you Addicted to the Internet?

Newbie (21% - 40%)
You've started to learn that there is more to the internet than AOL. You've recovered from that email virus that wiped your hard drive and are thinking of getting DSL. You still tend to forward too many jokes and inspirational thoughts via email to your entire address book.

The Are you Addicted to the Internet? Quiz at Stvlive.com!


You are a very calm and contemplative person. Others are drawn to your peaceful, nurturing nature.

Find out your color at Stvlive.com!

What Seven Deadly Sin Are YOU? [?]

You're ANGER! You're not the most pleasant person to be around! You've got a short fuse, and you're almost always mad at the world. You're represented by the color red.

Which Piercing are you?

I'm getting there. I don't suck, but I've got a ways to go.

Which Rainbow Brite kid are you? By Growing.

Find your inner random object! by Emily

Which Weezer Song are You?

What kind of ANGEL are you?
Quiz made by Angela

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which "Saved By The Bell" Character Are You?

You Are Sam From "Benny & Joon."

You are very talented at physical comedy. People are in awe of your abilities. However, you have many quirks which can either win people over or completely annoy them. But you're a sweetheart through and through, and it's hard not to love you.

Take The Johnny Depp Quiz!

What's Your Perfect Teen Movie?
What's Your Perfect Teen Movie?

Which 10 Things I Hate About You Character Are You?

There is a reason why Nintendo tried to limit my involvement to giving out clues and various other insignificant tasks. That is because I can't last a whole game as the center of attention without smoking up. I am pretty fun to chill with, as long as no one makes snide remarks about my height, but I am not suitable for young children. This doesn't bother me too much. I don't crave the spotlight like others do. I have my friends, my bong, and a constant paycheck. Being Toad rocks muchly.

What Super Mario Bros character are you?


I am 83% CANADIAN!!!
(Take the Canadian-ness test)

I'm Bun-bun!
Which Sluggy Freelance Character Are You?

Take the What Should Your New Year's Resolution Be? Quiz

i'm a foundation. what type of make up are you?
quiz made by muna.

Who's your daddy?? Find out @ blackhole

Take the Which Spider-Man Character Are You? quiz by ZyberGoat

Which SNL Loser are *YOU*?


Woah, dude, too far. You're totally unsuitable
for anybody under the age of 17, and for society
in general. Tough break...

"Which Movie Classification Are You?"
Test created by Jamie - take it here.

What Flavour Are You? Hmmm... Tastes like Chicken.Hmmm... Tastes like Chicken.

Am I chicken? Am I a frog? Am I human? All unfamiliar meats taste like chicken, and that's what I am, an unfamiliar meat. What Flavour Are You?

I'm so like Homer!
I'm Homer, who are you? by Lexi

What Type of Villain are You?
mutedfaith.com / <ยบ>

Which monkey are you?
Another pointless diversion from Bijouriel

take the "which country are you?" quiz here.  by littlelamb.

click to find out if you are obsessed!

Which LOTR Character are you?
Quiz by blantoncirith

I am Belle!
Which Disney Princess are you?
Which cartoon character are you?? Find out @ blackhole

Which Action Star Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Well, you're a slacker. Your greatest joy in life is sleeping, and you try to avoid doing work as much as possible. Others are envious of your talent for skating through life doing only half as much real, actual work as everyone else. You're an expert at talking teachers or bosses out of reprimanding you for your apparent lack of effort. On the upside, you won't have to worry about things like repetitive stress disorder or high blood pressure. Your life expectancy is probably pretty high due to this, not that you'll actually accomplish anything, you damn leech.

Be cool! Take the What Do You Want Out Of Life? Quiz

Which Cartoon Cat Are You? Quiz by gypsydance

Go Pie, Man!
Take the What Kind of Pie Are You? Quiz!
This quiz was made by KG

What Style Punk Band Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla