Wed,Oct.30- Hey guys! Not much to say, but I wanted to update because I haven't been doing it regularly lately;) Anyhoo, last update I think I forgot to mention that there's a new poll, so let me do it now. THERE'S A NEW POLL! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!! Sorry, I felt like typing in caps then;) Also, in response to Pepper's last update, I'd like to keep a 'spooktacular' free zone, as that word is insanely frightening. Anyways, have a good Halloween tomorrow, get lot's of candy!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,Oct.28- YAY!!!! Exciting news!! has finally won and award!!! Check it out at our new 'Awards' page!! Also I've updated a TON of pages, thanks to e-mails from Clarissa and NaddanAnGel. The updated pages include: 'List of Characters', 'Besotted', 'Obsessed', 'Quotes', and that's all I can think of now, but look around the site for our new stuff! See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,Oct.28- Heeeeylo! It's been awhile since i last updated....thats probably because not much is happening! This site is a well oiled machine, my friend.....hehehe. k, ya, im scaring myself. I only really wanted to say.....2 MORE DAYS 'TILL HALLOWEEN!!!!!! YESSSS!!! You're probably thinkning, 'But Pepper, aren't you too OLD for halloween?' I know, thats EXACTLY what you were thinkning! But, sadly, this year im not going to go no, i'll just have to satisfy myself scaring innocent children....heheheheheee*drums fingers together evilly*. So BASICLY, what I was trying to tell you in a long, round-a-bout sorta way, is........HAVE A SPOOK-TACKULAR HALLOWEEN!!!!!(and yes, I realize spooktacular is THE most frightening word ever, and not in a BOO! kinda way, if you know what I mean....) Chow! Pepper
Thurs,Oct.17- Hey!! I haven't posted in like a crayzay long time! Sorry im so brittish. AAAAAAAnyways, we kinda went crazy with the quizzes....there are about, oh, 50 on there now. SO QUIZ AWAY!!! Ya, we like our quizzes......mmmm hmmm! Thanks so much to Hilsbury who helped us find all of the quizzes. If you find a quiz that we don't have and you think would be appropriate for this site, please e-mail the HTML to us! Much thanks! Chow, Pepper
Wed,Oct.16- Yeah, sorry I haven't updated in awhile I haven't had the chance to be on the computer. I don't have much to say amd I THINK Pepper is gonna update more fully, but just to let you guys know, I've updated the 'About Us' page to something new and incredibly awesome. Check it out!!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Wed,Oct.9- YES!!! I updated on time!! **MUH HA HA HA HA** Whew, ANYways, I've added a bunch of insanely special new stuff to the site, including some stuff on the 'Besotted' page, and some stuff on the 'HP WIshes' page...I don't have that much else to say, except that I'm going away this weekend for Thanksgiving(yes, it is Canadian Thanksgiving) so if I don't update, it's not my fault..hehehehehe...whoa don't know what that was about...anyhoo, See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,Oct.7- Yeah, yeah, it's been FOREVER since I've updated, but I've had an absurd amount of homework the last few days...**sigh** Anyhoo, I've added something to the 'Questions' page and some stuff to the 'Obsessed' page. Tee hee, don't you just love the 'Obsessed' page? I know I do, but then again, I DID make it;) Anyhoo, just check out both those incredibly awesome pages!!! YAY!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Tues,Oct.1- HAPPY OCTOBER!!! YAY!!! I know I haven't updated in forever, and I'm sorry:( I HAVE added a new page, though. Yes, that's right, an ENTIRE NEW PAGE!!! YAY!!! It's got translations of HP words, and you can check it out by clicking on 'HP Words'. I've also, obviously, added a new October updates page, which you can check out if you are insanely bored;) That's about it....See ya! Lizardbreath