You Know You're Obsessed With HP When...

You know you're WAY to obsessed with Harry Potter when...

-Every time you pass someone you cough loudly and say 'muggle' under your breath.-

-You insist you have to practice for quidditch, and pretend to fly around all day making noises like 'ZOOM' and 'WHOOSH'.-

-You have made a fake wand and you point it at random things, yelling (loudly) random words like 'Sneerry!'-

-When you're out walking around, you insist on peering around every corner in case Voldemort is lurking somewhere nearby.-

-You play the Harry Potter movie soundtrack VERY, VERY loudly around the clock.-

-You've bought a quill pen and use it for EVERYTHING you write.-

-You carry the HP books around with you EVERYWHERE and shove them in other people's faces, telling them they HAVE to read these books.-

-Every time you enter a washroom, you check in every stall in case of trolls.-

-You bought a stuffed owl and you throw it out your window with letters attached to its legs.-

-You do all your homework on rolls of parchment.-

-You wear a wizard's costume to school everyday, insisting you HAVE to wear it because it's the school uniform.-

-You bring your stuffed owl to school and have it perch on your shoulder all the time.-

-You wear a sandwich board sign around, that reads, 'I LOVE Harry Potter, and you should too!'.-

-When you go to a candy store you ask them if they have any Chocolate Frogs.-

-You've spent alot of time looking for Hogsmeade on maps.-

-You search EVERYWHERE for a secret chamber in your school.-

-You attempt to talk to snakes.-

-You're friends are getting annoyed because you keep calling them 'Ron' or 'Hermione'.-

-Every inch of your room is covered with HP memrobilia.-

-You dig up your entire garden to search for gnomes.-

-You take a witches hat from your halloween costume, rip it at the bottom, then make it look like it's talking and claim that you're being 'sorted'.-

-You steal your parent's car and then as your driving along ask, 'Where's the button to make it fly?'-

-You go to the train station and walk into every wall to find out where platform nine and three quarters is.-

-You keep calling your pet rat Peter Pettigrew.-

-You ask statues to move out of the way so you can get to a secret passage.-

-You buy Harry Potter band-aids and stick them all over yourself, just because you can.-

-You rip the heads off stuffed toy dogs and attach them to your dog's neck, then sic him on people, saying things like 'GO GET 'EM FLUFFY!'-

-You make the branches of your willow tree attack your little brother, then blame it on the 'whomping willow' when you get into trouble.-

-You kiss Harry's picture before you go to sleep at night and sigh 'I'm gonna marry him someday!' **SMOOCH!**-

-You keep calling your meanest teacher 'Professor Snape' by accident-

-Every morning, you try to apparate down the stairs-

-You live in London, or are visiting it, and you search EVERYWHERE for The Leaky Cauldron-

-Your ideal gift would be a pet owl-

-You have a HUGE crush on Gilderoy Lockhart-

-Before school starts, you ask your mom to take you to Diagon Alley to shop.-
Sent in by:Animagus Girl

-You do your homework at night under your sheets.-
Sent in by:Animagus Girl

-When you fake a bad eye-test to get glasses, then "accidently" break them in half and stick them together in the middle with sellotape!-
Sent in by:LouATN

-You stare into mirrors and wonder why you only see yourself, not marrying Sean Biggerstaff-
Sent in by:Lyd and Cey

-You check your flower pots for flow powder when you want to get some where really fast.-
Sent in by:NaddanAnGel

-You draw a lighting bolt on your head and tell your friends you were attacked by Lord Voldemort.
Sent in by:NaddanAnGel

-You have a Harry Potter website.(WAITAMINUTE!!!!)-

Got something to add to the list? E-mail us here.