Thurs,May.30- I've done some more updates around the site so check around to find them. Also the new page is well on its way to completion, so keep checking back for more news on that. Anyhoo, I don't have much to say....but SIGN THE GUESTBOOK and SEND US E-MAILS!!!!!!!! ARRRGGHHHH!!!! Also we've received more votes in the poll but KEEP VOTING!!!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Wed,May.29- I just realized I hadn't been putting the updates in the right order, but its all good now. I've updated the 'Quotes' section..and I couple more sections, but I can't actually remember which at the moment...I think I'm going to make a new page pretty soon, so stay tuned for that and umm, yeah....SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!!!!!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,May.27- Nothing much to say...but since I haven't updated in awhile, I wanted to remind you we're still here:) 4 WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT FOR US!!!!!!!!! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 **Does happy dance!!** PLEASE vote in the poll, so far owls are winning, but you can change that if you want!!!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Wed,May.22- Hiiiiii!!! Thanks for the e-mails you've been sending and the guestbooks signing!!!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE keep doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I added stuff to the rumors, questions, and obsessed pages, so you should check that out.......yeah......nothing much else to say for ya! Lizardbreath
Wed,May.15- Hey, hey, hey....ha ha ha The Road to El Dorado(if you don't get that joke you obviously aren't obsessed with that movie like me)..Ahem, anyways I have VERY exciting news for you...**DA DA DA DA DUN** WE HAVE A NEW PAGE!!!!! YAY!!!!!!! This page was Pepper's idea, she is obsessed with those little personality quiz thingies, so we have made a page devoted to different ones. Check it out, it's under the heading 'Quizzes Page':):) See ya! Lizardbreath
Sun,May.12- Happy Mother's Day!!!!! By accident I sort of..ummm.. deleted the counter...BUT it's back now, so, nothing to worry about;) I also added quite a few quotes to the 'Favourite Quotes' page, alot of which are by the incredibly funny Prof. Lockhart, so be sure to check them out!!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Thurs,May.9- Honh honh! Je suis french, avec les french people with gros nez! Honh honh! Whoooaaaaaah...dude, i dunno what it's been about this week, but LB and I seem to be in a french state of mind. Maybe it's spring fever which is affecting our minds....or hay fever....meh, whatev. My mind is on summer mode, so I've been trying to feed it perodicly by going outdoors every few hours so I don't get cabin fever...and it seems I haven't really been on the internet that much in the past week. That and I seemed to have blown out my back with stoooopid track and field...there was a point to this message....waitaminute....lemme think....OH YA! As soon as all of the homework let's up from school, I'm gonna do a new game page, so you need to email us to tell us which one you want me to do next! Ya, ahem, thats all I have to say. Chow! Pepper
Tues,May.7- It's May!!!!! HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!! Only 7 weeks of school left for me and Pepper, and then we can devote all our time and energy to this place and absolutely NONE on simple machines or Confederation:):):) Anyhoo, sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I was away on the weekend and doing stuff last night....anyways, there's not much to say, but I wanted to assure you we hadn't abandoned the place;) See ya! Lizardbreath