Wed,Jul.31- HI!!! I just wanted to let you guys know that starting tomorrow, I'll be away on vacation for two weeks. If I can find somewhere with Internet access, I'll try to update, but, sadly, I probably won't be able too:( I also just wanted to tell you all the pages have the new font!!!! YAY!!!! Isn't that happy;) Ssssooooo, I'll be back in a couple of weeks(on Aug. 13 or 14):) See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,Jul.29- In case you are very slow and haven't noticed, we've been changing the font on our pages to something more people will be able to see on their computers. It's taking awhile because the stupid Tripod editor thingy keeps not working:~{(that's my pathetic angry face). Anyhoo, I'm also updating the List Of Characters Page, the Rumors Page and the Questions Page when I'm done with the font changing, so you should check those out:) That's about all for me.... See ya! Lizardbreath
Sat,Jul.27- Yes by George I've done it! HA HA HA! WHoa, k, Incase you havent noticed...MOMO IS BACK!!!!! YESSSS! And he's better than ever. That's right, Momo the singing Mynci is back on the site, after being deleted by SOMEONE...*glares at LB*, and being forgotten for a few weeks. But the thing that matters is that we now have a mascot...GO US! YA!!! *ahem* Anyways, I also added something new to the secrets page, BUT YOU CAN'T GO THERE, so I guess you'll never know what I added....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAAAAAA! Wow, I'm evil. Ok, thats all I got for ya. Chow! Pepper
Thurs,Jul.25- Hello. I have just discovered something very disturbing and *sob* heartbreaking. It seems that SOMEONE, and I'm not naming names *cough cough LB!*, has deleted our beloved Momo, the singing Mynci. Now you may be thinking, 'Wha? I know of no Momo! What are these people on?'. I know, I know. Most people think the same thing when they see us. Well, Awhile ago, we added Momo to our team, and I plan to get him back. You'll see what I'm talking about, should I find that poor, lost soul. *ahem* Anyways, Momo might be back soon, so keep an eye out for him! Chow! Pepper
Tues,Jul.23- Hey y'all! Whoa,thats weird. *ahem* anyways, I just wanted to let you know that I have just added 2 new links to the links page...OOOOOOOOH....AHHHHHHHH.....and also that I added a few more questions to the 'questions' page. Fun fun. Also, keep e-mailing us with ideas for our pages or with questions, SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!!!!!, and vote in the poll. I too voted for hermione. I mean, who wouldn't? Oh, and we mentioned awhile ago about a FAQ page, but we can't get that up and running unless you email us some questions...SO GET TO THAT!!! Ya, I think this is long enough now. Chow! Pepper
Tues,Jul.23- Hello:) I was looking at the poll and discovered that the majority of you think you're most like Hermione. I voted for her too:) Only one person has voted for Fang sad....Anyhoo, I added a new profile offfff....**DA DA DA DA DUM** PROF. MCGONAGALL!!!! YAY!!! You can check that out:) I also updated the About Our Site page, we currently have 69 pages, not counting the ones used to make the Gryffindor quiz....That's about all for me! See ya! Lizardbreath
Sun,Jul.21- Hey! We got back from computer camp today and, boy, was THAT interesting. We learned lotsa stuff, computery stuff wise, and now we can apply it to our website! fun fun! I'm thinkin of adding some pictures and stuff to the website soon, so keep an eye out for something along those lines in the neer future. Oh, and also, I'd like to thank you all for all of your great e-mail's and postings....KEEP IT UP! And also remember to vote in the poll. Ya, thats all I have to say. Chow! Pepper
Wed,Jul.17- Whoa, I haven't updated in awhile, sorry guys. Anyhoo, I'm writing to tell everyone that me and Pepper are going away to camp from Thursday to Sunday, so we won't be able to update. Also, everyone should VOTE IN THE POLL!!!! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! I'll probably start on the Book 3 quotes today, so you have something to look forward to:) YAY!!!! This message is going to look really small next to the other ones, I think....oh well, See ya! Lizardbreath
Sun,Jul.14- YAY!!!!!! I've finished the Book 2 quotes!!!! FINALLY!!!!! You can check these out by clicking on the 'Quotes' page. Also, I haven't been working much for the past few days, because we've been mving stuff around in my room, but, just so you know, we're done now, so I can update more!!! YAY!!!!! Anyhoo, I think that's about all I have to tell you, other then, I DID find my HP books, and, no, they weren't in my closet like I thought;) See ya! Lizardbreath
Fri,Jul.12- Hiyo. Whoa.....I have to pack for like eight things at once, seeing as I have like eight things i have to go to in a row, and i won't have any time to pack for them fun. *Ahem* Ya, I'm going to toronto in like 2 days, then I'm going to camp with LB, so, overall, I prolly wont be able to update for like a week and a bit. I just wanted to warn you in advance, and to tell you that I havent abandoned the place or anything. N'Kay? Good. Otherwise, I ahvce nothing to tell you. Chow! Pepper
Wed,Jul.10- Hi!! I've been busy updating the 'Reader's Choice' review pages. They were all in our old font *tee hee*. I've also corrected some spelling mistakes on them *again, tee hee*. I WAS going to add to the quotes page, but I can't find my second book AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! I also have no idea where my third book went....hhhhhmmmmm, mabye my closet ate them, it does that sometimes...Anyhoo, as soon as I find my second and third books, I'll get to finishing up our list of quotes:) See ya! Lizardbreath
Mon,Jul.8- Just wanted to let you know I've been updating the site a little and have added some stuff, and basically just uuummmm, updating.......anyhoo, I've made a new addition to the 'List of Characters' page, thanks to the e-mail TikiDude72 sent us telling us our missing character, Prof. Sinistra. I really don't have much to say other than that, but if I don't keep typing this is going to look really puny next to the other updates......I think it's long enough now, See ya! Lizardbreath
Sun,Jul.7- Okay, first of all I'd like to point out that 'The Faculty' is only one of our favourite movies because it's so darn bad, it's funny, okay? Also, please don't take our Faculty site seriously, we're not quite THAT weird;) Anyhoo, I've updated the 'HP Wishes' page and added a new profile to the 'Profiles' page oooooooofffff **DA DA DA DUM** PROF. SNAPE!!!! YAY!!!! I've also FINALLY added a new poll, HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY!!! So you should check that stuff out:) See ya! Lizardbreath
Fri,Jul.5- Heylo.....I haven't updated in a while and I thought that I'd just let you know that I'm STILL alive. I actually added some more to the quotes page, and I was bored so I surfed around on the internet for some cool quizzes and I added(thanks to hilsbury), like, 10 of them so you can check that out. And also I think I'm going to add a new link to the links page. Its a really cool site that me and LB and my friend Hilsbury started, dedicated to the best movie EVER, 'The Faculty'. If I havent added it yet when you see this update, and you wanna check it out, which you should, the address is: . Check it out. Chow! Pepper
Fri,Jul.5- Hello;) I've been messing around with some of the pages and stuff, so there's some new(ish) backgrounds, well at least ONE new background, on the 'List of Characters' page...YAY!!!!!!! Anyhoo, I'm also planning to add more people to the 'Profiles' page, as soon as I think of which people to add.....I'm also thinking of a new page idea YAY!!!!!!! NEW PAGE!!!! Well, okay, it's not up yet, but it will be.. See ya! Lizardbreath
Wed,Jul.3- HI GUYS!!!! I just wanted to tell everyone I'm back from my vacation thingy on the long weekend, and I'm all ready to work on the site again. YAY!!!!!!!! Anyhoo, I also wanted to remind everyone that, no, we have NOT had only 200 people visit the site, we've had ALOT more....THE STUPID COUNTER!!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!! **Whew**, I'm okay.......See ya! Lizardbreath