The Low Down On Guilds
So you wanna join a guild eh? Hey, its a great idea. Guilds are the coolest way to meet people on Neopets. Be warned though
guilds aren't for everyone. Uh uh definetly not for everyone. Why? Well sure guilds are a
great way to meet people but they're also a commitment. You don't want to be a deadbeat
guild member, now do you? If you don't think you wanna participate in guild activities then I
would strongly suggest not joining one, but hey you might want to anyways. Below are a few questions
I made up that might help you on your way to becoming a guild member(or not):-)
Okay so, what exactly is a guild? I'm confused here.. 0_o
AAAAhhhh of course, I should probably explain that one. Basically
a guild is a club you join on Neopets. It has a message board to talk to other members, a calendar of events,
and a lot of guilds have contests and prizes:~)
Sounds cool. So, what kinds of guilds are there for me to join???
There are a ton of themes and it would take me forever to explain them all
but, a few of the themes are: Making Neopoints, Harry Potter, Books, Writing, Saving Neopets from the Pound and
much, MUCH more.
Wow that's a lot:-o So where can I find these guilds?
Good question:) To get to guilds click on shops and then at the top bar,
you know the one with the Items, Bank, and SDB links, click on the picture of the greenish tower looking thing. Or,
you could go to "Main Shops" then find the building marked "Guild Headquarters" and click on it.
Cool, could you tell us a little about your guild?
With pleasure, my guild is a writers guild. Its founder is
Lilzozo1228. It's a really cool guild, and you don't have to like writing to join it. We have a lot
of fun:) Check it out here.
Isn't it weird that you're talking to yourself?
Yes...But what did you expect from me?
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