Here is a list of our favorite words. Why do you care about this info? Well...let me see.....uuummmm.....OH!! You could astound and amaze your friends by sounding EXACTLY like us!! Just use the words in this list ALL the time, and YOU can be like US!!!!!!!!
- Freakish- Used to describe someone like...hhhmm..PEPPER!!!(AHHHHHHHRRRGG! Do you see what Im working with???-Pepper)
- Biscotti- This word is just fun to say:) Try saying it instead of a swear word 'What the biscotti!!!!'.
- Blasphemous- No idea what this means...but its REALLY fun to say!!! UPDATE!! Thanks to Clarissa we now have a definition! Blasphemous- Adjective for someone wo talks profanely
- Peter Pan- Aahhhh...Peter Pan is SO hot!!! I love him:)
- Constapated Skunk- Used to describe someone like..LB! HA HA HA!! I wonder what Peter Pan has to say about this!! TEE HEE!!!
- Mailman- HEE HEE, Pepper's a mailman!!! (This is NOT meant to be offensive to mailmen or mailwomen)
- Besotted- Yet another word that's just fun to say!!!
- Cha- Say this when something should be really obvious...for example, is the best site ever? Cha!!!
- Freak- Use this like freakish...its REALLY fun!!
- Eat My Cat- This is an expression to use if someone has offended you and you can't think of a really good comeback, just yell EAT MY CAT!!
- Go Sit On A Pencil- This is kind of like 'eat my cat!', you say it when someone has offended you. For example, if someone said ' sucks!', and you couldn't think of anything good to say, you could say, 'Go sit on a pencil!'
- Same Difference- This actually makes no sense whatsoever, but it's still fun to confuse people with it!
- French Interrupting Cow with Mono- This we actually made up when Pepper kept saying everyone who was absent from school had mono(they didn't, actually), and we discovered that french cows don't say 'moo' they say 'meuh'(it's on the back of a milk carton). When you want to be really annoying, just say 'knock knock' 'who's there' 'french interrupting cow with mono', and then when their in the middle of saying, 'french interrupting cow with mono who?' say really quickly, 'meuh! *cough cough* meuh!' It's REALLY fun!
- Hibiscus- We all decided to read books with weird titles last year, and I read one called, 'A Town Called Hibiscus'.....WE DO WEIRD THINGS, OKAY?????????????????
- Meuh- HA HA HA!!! This is what French cows say!!! We read it on a milk carton;)
- Merde- This one is VEEEEERY funny! It means poo in french! HAHAHAHA! (Whoa dude, we're REALLY into french words this week aren't we?)
- Sklurmish- I think this word has some story behind it...but, frankly, I don't care to know what it is....(Oh why dont you go sit on a pencil LB!-Pepper)(See! It really does work!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!)
- My Brother Sam is Dead... Well, we were REALLY hyper one day and we discovered a book in the library thats called "My Brother Sam is Dead", and we decided this was extremely funny (we were high on sugar). Try saying without laughing "My brother Sam is dead. He died riding a yak. He said to the yak 'Yak yak yak' and the yak said 'That's not nice' and yakked him right off his back." in a funny voice...we discovered it's almost impossible to do when you are high on sugar.
- The Piddly Diddly Department This is from the greatest books ever, 'Angus, Thongs, and Full-Frontal Snogging', and 'On the Bright Side, I'm Now the Girlfriend of a Sex God'. Basically it's a really funny way to say that you need to go to the bathroom. Another funny word from that book is nunga-nunga's, but I really don't want to explain that one.
- Dude This is the best word EVER to use excessively, dude!! Annoy friends and family by saying dude every few words, dude!!!
- Your Mom This is a phrase we all love to use!!! It makes no sense whatsoever but its still pretty darn funny! For example, if someone said, ' sucks!' I could answer, 'Your mom!!' See it makes no sense;)
- SHOWDOWN!!!!! This is from the freak movie the Faculty. We watch it ALL the time. Seriously, we've seen it like, fifteen times, no joke. It's insanely funny!! Hehe Casey---what a nerd!!
- Meh This is what you say when you don't really care about something. For example, someone may say to you, 'The Harry Potter movie is coming out soon!!', and I would answer, 'Meh', because I didn't particulary like that movie. BTW, you king of pronounce it like 'may' but make the 'a' sound 'e'-ish.
- Ferncheezimo Someone threw a lego man at Pepper during math class, and he became Ferncheezimo. He sings the 'Push-Pop Song', and he is really, REALLY annoying.
- Craazaay This is just fun to say;) One of our other friends was ordering pizza, and she said 'we'd like craazaay bread', and the pizza guy on the phone's like 'Okay, then'. Now THAT is good comedy;) Anyhoo, now we can't stop saying it.
- @##$#@ Now, we don't actually SAY this one, but this is how they swear in Archie Comics, and whenever we're writing we do it. It's crazy fun:) You can use any combination you want. Special, no?
- That Happens Sometimes This is fun to say when someone tells you about something bad that's happened to them. For example, if someone said to you, 'My leg hurts today' you could say, 'That happens sometimes' funny...
- Spork This is a VERY fun word. It's a utensil that is a spoon/fork, hence the name 'spork'. The funny bit about it is that it's also the name of a Vacant Andys' song.....we assumed that the whole song would be like "LALALALA SPORK SPORK BABY YEAH!" sorta thing...and its a REALLY funny word....hehehehe, sporkie goodness.
- YEHA! This is just basicly a word of excitement used by crazy hicks :) Like instead of saying 'Omigosh thats EXCELLENT!' a crazy hick would simply say 'YEHA! Where's the jamboree?' It's very fun and a lot shorter than saying something else! :)
- EHHHHHHHHH!! This is the crazy sound/word that the fonz from happy days said all the time. Very useful for scaring your friends and family. You would use it when telling a story. When you're at an interesting part just throw in a 'and then the fonz ran in and said "EHHHHHHHHH!" and ran away!'. Hehehehe...ohh fonzie!
- Gobbledegook It's actually a word, but it's spelled gobbledygook . It means pompous or unintelligible jargon (speech).
Sent in by: Clarissa