Thurs,Apr.25- AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.....BLEATED! BLE-ATED!! HAHAhAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!...HAHAHAHA!!...HAAAAHA...haha...ha.....*ahem* anyways ya, I'm not the only one that can't spell! Hmmm, there WAS a point to this posting but I just can't seem to remember it right now.......OH! Um, just incase you haven't noticed, (which is intirely possible, considering I myself didn't notice for a few days)LB's 'upload' thingie is working again, and now instead of that tacky link that used to say 'home' on it is no more! That's right! We now have a button for when you want to get back to the home page! yay us!...AAAAAAnyways, we're gonna be messing with the layout a little, but LB said it's gonna take a while, so you may not be seeing the fruits of that labour any time soon. Chow! Pepper
Tues,Apr.23- HAPPY BLEATED EARTH DAY!!!!! YAY!!!!! Okay...yes..anyways, I don't really have that much to say, except that we want to start a FAQs page, but we are missing one key element...**DA DA DA DUM** FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS!!! So if there's anything you're wondering about us, HP, or the site send it to us at and we'll do our best to answer it!!! SEND, SEND, SEND!!!!! See ya! Lizardbreath
Sat,Apr.20- HAPPY SATURDAY!!!! THE POLL THINGY IS FINALLY WORKING!!!! We FINALLY have a new poll:)Happy, happy, happy!!!! Be sure to check it out and VOTE!!! I've also re-done the 'Obsessed' page, so be sure to check that out too:) And I've added some new quotes to the 'Quotes' page, so you can check those out as well(you're gonna be busy, eh?) HMMMMM.....I've really not got much else to tell la la la.......Anyways...See ya! Lizardbreath
Tues,Apr.16- WHEW!! I just finished doing maitenance on the Gryffindor game, and it took me a LONG time. I THINK everything's okay now, but if you notice any mistakes or whatever, e-mail us at and we'll fix it. Anyways, I realize we haven't had a new poll....I'M SORRY!!!!!!!! The poll maker thingy isn't working:( I'll have one up as soon as I can though, so BE PATIENT!!!!!!!!! That's about all I have to say, I guess......See ya! Lizardbreath
Sat,Apr.13- I'm a genious! I have finally done it, my fair Watson! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Whoa, dude. *ahem* No, just for your information, I'm NOT going crazy. After many weeks of hard work, we have FINALLY finished the 'are you a true gryffindor' game! It's finished! YAAAAY! And if you don't like it, too bad! I put my sweat(ick), blood(nasty!), and time into that game, so you better enjoy, OR ELSE! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *cough cough*. Anywayz, ya, so, I'm done! PLEEEEEEASE play! Chow! Pepper
Mon,Apr.8- Well, I have just added the link to the new page. This page is going to be very cool, seeing as LB and I will have to go through all of the books to find the page numbers 0_o misterious (tee hee! I can't spell!) Thanks for all of the great e-mails you're sending us, and if you find something that you'd like to add to the quotes page, please tell us about it! Hmmmmm.....anyways, I've been kinda busy lately, so the game thingie isn't QUITE done yet. Though, i hope it will be by the end of the week, time willing. NAYWAIZ, Chow! Pepper
Sun,Apr.7- Well...not too much has happened since Pepper updated.....I've made a new page, that I'll put a link to very, VERY soon, you'll just have to wait a little while to see it's coolness;) I'm also gonna re-organize the 'Updates Archive' which should take me all of five minutes, so that'll be up today. Oh, and for everyone who's wondering why we haven't had a new poll in, like, FOREVER, it's because the stupid poll maker thingie isn't working.....GGGGGRRRRRRR.....Anyways, we also added some new words to the 'Talk Like Us' page, so check that out, come on, who wouldn't want to sound EXACTLY like us?:) See ya! Lizadbreath
Wed,April.3- Weeeeeeelll....not a lot has happened on our website in a while, so we haven't EXACTLY felt the need to post. LB has recovered from her case of mono(*AAAAAAAhahahahahaha!*), and I've been working alot on the game thingie, so, If I really work hard on it, it could be up by the end of the week! It's gonna be soooooo kewl! Although, it's not going to be for all of the houses right away, just Gryffindor. It's gonna take me MUCH longer to do the rest of the houses, but it'sall good ;) Chow! Pepper
Tues,Apr.2- HI!!!!! I'm all better now, you'll be glad to hear:) HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways, I've change the layout, so it's very snazzy(ha ha ha, that word is great). Also I've changed quite a few of the other pages, so just check everything out! Also, thanks so much for the nice comments in the guestbook!!! Keep writing in!!!!!! OR ELSE!!!!!!! **AHEM** Anyways, Pepper is hard at work on her new thingy, but it's going to take quite a while to finish it sad...**sniff**..but it WILL get done, don't you worry!!!! See ya! Lizardbreath