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About Us!!!!
~ Lizardbreath ~
Favourite Books: Harry Potter!! The Wheel of Time Series(Wotmania YAY!!!), A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging books, The Neverending Story, The Sabriel etc. trilogy thingy, I think that's about it....I'm not positively sure..Oh well;)
Favourite Movies: Empire Records, The Road to El Dorado, The Faculty, Ocean's Eleven, Austin Powers, Clerks(the cartoon one)(hehehe 'Who is driving? Oh my God, BEAR is driving!!)
Favourite Music: DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL!!! The Calling, Our Lady Peace, The Goo Goo Dolls, Jimmy Eat World, Green Day, The Road to El Dorado Soundtrack (hehehehe, can't get enough of that Road to El Dorado!)
Hobbies: Hmmm..Like I have any..The Internet, reading, watching movies (EVERYTHING in my life must be compared to a movie, like, 'Hey you know who he looks like with his jacket like that? Trip Fontaine! Okay I didn't make that one up Pepper did, but we seriously do this WAY too much) being obsessed with various things, listening to music, playing my clarinet...what an interesting life;) That's about it!!
I think that's about all you need to know about me. I'd like to maintain my air of mystique(tee hee hee). It is my goal to one day be an evil overlord, so remember the name of Lizardbreath **MUH HA HA HA HA HA**!!!!!
I am feeling:
~ Pepper ~
Favourite Books: Harry Potter(what a shocker)(haha that rhymes!!),Guests of war trilogy, the hollow tree, a cue for treason (i know its nerdy that i like it, but i really don't care!), uhhh, the Angus, thongs and full frontal snogging books, somewhere beyond paradise, to dance at the palais royale, that annoying Norah Roberts trilogy with the tears of the moon(i can't remember the names of the other 2), aaaaand, i think thats about it....i think.
Favourite Movies: The Faculty, Ocean's Eleven, Clerks (the cartoon version), Empire Records, Angels in the outfield(that movie is kinda childish but i love it anyways), Overboard, Rush hour(1&2), uhhhhhh.....i dunno if there are any others....most likely :)
Favourite Music: GooGoo Dolls, Simple Plan, Dashboard Confessional, Jimmy Eat World, Treble Charger, Not by Choice.....basicly I like lotsa music and I like it loud!
Hobbies: Hmmmmmm, hobie you say? Talking in a Brittish accent, being annoying, poking people, being annoying, being LOUD.....oh, you mean REGULAR dancing, hip hop, playing the flute, being annoying(whoops, that just slipped in there, I SWEAR!)
I don't think I should give you any more information about could all be crazy stalkers out to get me :) Ok just one thing....I love my freckles and you should too! Remember, strangers are just friends you havent met....OR RAPISTS! lol j/k.
I am feeling: